To say that the last 2 years were incredible does not describe the wonderful experience I had treating Prince Edward Island. My clients here are, by far, some of my favourite people, and it was an honour to help each and every one of you on your healing journeys.
The decision to leave the island was a hard one, but I do plan on coming back here and there to continue to help the island in any way I can. Growing up in a small place like this makes you understand what community is all about, and I am thankful for that...it has helped shape me into the practitioner I am today.
With my upcoming move to Calgary, AB, I am, of course, busy packing and selling things, catching up with people to say goodbye and taking time to reflect on this marvellous ride my husband and I got to experience with our time on the island. My heart is full and also sad, and I have been taking time to grieve having to leave such special people; it is such a privilege to have such profound emotion.
Thank you doesn't cover my gratitude for all of you. Most of you don't know the immense amount of healing I was doing here, and most of you helped me through it just by watching you overcome your own obstacles and sharing your hearts and families with me. Every moment is appreciated and treasured.
My work goes beyond healthcare; I am trying to impact the world one person at a time so that we can heal and let go of what doesn't serve us so we can thrive and help our communities thrive. I dug very deep here, at times probably overdoing my capacity of what I had to give...it was just necessary to touch as many hearts as I could for as long as I was here in PEI.
I will be back, so stay tuned while I get settled in my new home and my new clinic in Calgary, AB. I have more to share with the wonderful people of Prince Edward Island.
Much love to you all,