New Workshop Alert!
I am thrilled to announce the news that I will be facilitating a workshop at The Island Tides Yoga and Wellness Festival in Charlottetown, PEI this June!
Find your Soul Lūx – Illuminate your Body, Mind & Spirit
June 23rd @ 1 pm at the Victoria Park Pavilion (Look for the Canadian flag!)
Cost: $25
Workshop Discription
The definition of Lūx in Latin means “light,” in English, it means a unit of illuminance. In this workshop, we dive into creating Lūx within our body, mind and spirits to overcome stress, anxiety and stuck feelings that make us feel unwell.
What to expect?
Join Melanie in this 90-minute journey weaving acupuncture, Reiki, breath-work, herbal medicine and essential oils together to release what doesn’t serve. By doing this, we can cultivate deep, meaningful relaxation so our bodies can heal, our minds can let go, and we can work through how to surrender to the chaotic world around us. When we come together in a group like this, we not only get clarity that we are not alone on our individual journeys but that we can lean on one another without having to interact in the usual ways; our energy, our intention and creating space for unconditional love without strings, helps each of us to heal and in turn, allows us to open up and let go of what doesn’t serve. Anxiety and stress can hit the road…let’s get our Soul Lūx on! No prior experience is needed.
Eating something before or bringing a healthy snack is advisable as we will move Qi and release stagnation with acupuncture and breath-work; this helps the body do its best work. Wearing loose-fitting clothing on the legs and arms will make it easier to access the acupuncture points.
Please bring: Along with your yoga mat, bring a meditation pillow or anything that would make you feel comfy-cozy.